Friday, February 27, 2009

Dear Facebook, Please Stop Freaking Me Out

I joined Facebook a couple of months ago, and promptly became an addict. That hard-core addiction seems to be lessening somewhat, but I still spend about half an hour a day there checking up on things, feeding my pet, etc. I would like to take this opportunity to ask the Facebook people to please, please ban the ad that uses this photo:
All of the ads on Facebook are annoying, but THIS BABY FREAKS ME OUT. People, my state of mind is tenuous at best. I really don't need things like this looking out of the computer at me (and possibly trying to steal my soul). Thank you.


JD at I Do Things said...

Cripes! I don't think I've seen that ad. What the hell is it trying to sell us? Creepy babies? I don't want any, thank you! The ones about how Jennifer Aniston stays thin are bad enough.

Anonymous said...

OMG. I haven't seen that either. The longer I look at it, the sicker I get. Literally. It makes me dizzy.

absepa said...

JD: It's an ad for one of those IQ tests. The text (which I couldn't copy, for some reason) says, "How many eyes do you see? 97% of American women get it wrong!" They use other photos of adults with extra eyes, too, but they aren't quite as creepy. I hate the ones about how the stars stay so young-looking, too.

Kathy: It is kind of nauseous-making to look at. Even more reason for Facebook to make it go away!

Kathy said...

You better tell me there are four eyes on that freak baby.

absepa said...

Kathy: I think I'm part of the 97% of women who get it wrong. The longer I look, the more eyes I see!