Anyone who knows me is well aware that I love all shoes, but I really love these boots. They're soft and comfy; they look great with skirts, pants, jeans, and leggings; and I get a ton of compliments when I wear them. There aren't many things I like about cold weather, but wearing these boots alllmost makes it worth freezing my hinder off.
Mr. Nerd and I made a trip to the Louisville Zoo last weekend. On our way out of L-ville, we stopped by Lynn's Paradise Cafe, which is this incredibly cool, funky little local joint with kitschy decor and the most amazing food. It's almost impossible to decide what to order, but I chose the Crunchcakes, and I was not disappointed. Two plate-sized multigrain pancakes, stuffed with homemade granola and fresh blueberries. I had never dreamed of pancakes and granola together; but, it's been four days, and I'm still thinking about how scrumptious it was. Nom nom nom.
Louis van Amstel

Do you have any new obsessions? What do you love right now? Do you also fantasize about dancing the tango with Louis? Books, music, food, TV, anything...tell me about it in the comments!
Those boots are SHARP! And that's coming from a non-boot person.
My mom has forced me to watch DwtS a few times, but I don't recall seeing your Mr. van Amstel. But I shall be looking out for him now!
My favorite things of the moment:
Sushi: I am addicted. Specifically the spicy teriyaki salmon at Sea Ranch in Evanston (the one on Dempster NOT Lake because they make it differently).
RuPaul's Drag Race A reality show for drag queens. Totally awesome. I shall be blogging about it.
Those brown sweatpants: Yes, THOSE! I can fit into them again, and I'd forgotten how cool they are. And they have pockets! Perhaps I'll go take a picture . . .
The ability to wear boots year-round is the main reason I'd ever consider moving to Alaska.
Favorite things of the moment:
Bejeweled, unfortunately. I need to stop playing it but it is a convenient way to keep my hands busy if I'm on a long phone call.
Sweet potato and butternut squash bisque -- easy to make and so warming in chilly weather.
A ceramic candle-powered heater; place alighted candle in the base and it collects enough heat to warm a small room, or at least warm chilly fingers, while providing a soothing aroma. If you want to take a look, look here: Not that I get paid for endorsing it -- I just love it.
Whoops -- forgot my link.
JD: Thanks! I am a boot person, and those are my all-time faves.
I will eagerly await your post about RuPaul. Hope this isn't too un-PC, but I find the whole drag show culture so intriguing. Congrats on fitting in the brown sweatpants!
feefifoto: I know! I start wearing boots as soon as the temp drops below 60 degrees. I just love 'em.
I am totally checking out that heater! My fingers (and toes) are always icy in the winter. Thanks for sharing the link!
I think Louis is cute, but I my fantasy involved dancing the Vienna Waltz in a big, flowy gown with Maksim! And he in a tux with tails. Oh, my, my, my!!
Nothing like Maksim....anywhere.
JRT Mom: Oh, yes...Maks is very handsome! My dream dance would be the waltz, too, with a beautiful gown. Sigh.
My favorite things of the moment:
Work From Home India
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